Wednesday, September 30, 2009

# 8 - Exploring Podcasts

I have never really even thought of exploring podcasts before as I don't own any sort of iPod or similar - and so read my book on the train. However, I have occasionally found things I am interested on the internet which only exist as a podcast without any transcript available and, of course, I also can't listen to the radio at all the times I might want to so to take away a podcast to listen to does have it's attractions. Mind you I've had someone listening to something on their headphones cross the road in front of my car oblivious to their surroundings or danger but that was probably (very) loud music.
I had a look at the ABC site and listened to the StarStuff podcast of Tuesday 22nd September. I would see some appeal in being able to listen to programmes that interested me while I was doing the ironing or hanging out the washing or - as we used to be able to do - watering the garden.
As far as libraries are concerned I imagine there would be potential for use in library tours and in being available for patrons to access to guide them through such things as catalogue use etc.

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