Thursday, November 22, 2007

#6 -RSS feeds

After having come across references to RSS feeds quite often and really having no clear idea of what they were, but having a vague idea that they kept you "up-to-date" with things, it has been good to learn a bit about them.
One of the misconceptions that I had was that it was a matter of having your own search terms and that you somehow received a notification ( email I thought ) when something new appeared with that term in it. Instead of that the RSS feeds are determined by the "producers" of the website on what sections should have a feed. eg something like new books received that month for a library feed.
Sometimes it can be surprising to see what feeds are and are not offered. For instance, SLV offers a number of feeds but I could pick up only one from the New York Public Library - a couple more if I narrowed it down to the Science Library.
I've subscribed to my 5 feeds - but I will explore all this a bit further when I have the time - -
right now I must try to catch up - - I'm behind schedule - - I've been travelling on impulse speed - - time for Warp factor 1 - -

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

There are some feeds where there is an option to receive an email as you thought. They are usually publications or newletters that are only updated once a month
Keep up the good work
